Darling Reference Card

Table of Contents

1 Initial Setup 1

1.1 create a can (do this only once for the repository)

darling can create <(echo identifier: "University of Chicago Library Digital Repository") .../repository/CAN

<(echo identifier: "University of Chicago Library Digital Repository") generates the absolute minimal required properties file; you should probably make a fancier one as per Section 3.3 "Properties file" in the CAN spec (local copy current as of time of writing) and pass the filename here.

1.2 create a noid minter (do this only once for the repository)

cd .../repository/NOID
darling noid dbcreate ar.reeeeeeeeeeeeek

2 Ongoing Use

2.1 mint noids (using one of these three commands, which are equivalent)

cd .../repository/NOID; darling noid mint 1
darling noid -f .../repository/NOID mint 1
DNOID=.../repository/NOID darling noid mint 1

2.2 add versions

.../repository/CAN is your can directory. IDENT is your ARK, NOID, or other identifier. DIRECTORY is the directory to be added recursively. -v means be verbose.

darling -v can addversion .../repository/CAN IDENT DIRECTORY

For example:

darling -v can addversion .../repository/CAN 5s8x13nn9dw43 .../repository/repository/ac/5s8x13nn9dw43



d igital ar chiving li brary (as in "software library") n ext g eneration

Author: Keith Waclena (rev. Charles Blair) (chas)


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