The University of Chicago Map Collection

Table of Contents

1 Front End

Map Collection

Note: See also Implementation below.

2 Back End

Note: Some map collections are only loaded into Luna. In these cases, the front end is effectively the Library catalog or Luna itself.

3 Implementation

The front end points to the back end by means of persistent identifiers. Maps are discoverable through the Library's public website, through Luna, or through the Library catalog. The public website provides contextual information for the various map collections. Luna allows integration of the University of Chicago Map Collection with other visual collections; it also provides an interface for viewing and printing. The Library catalog integrates metadata about individual maps with metadata for all of the Library's resources.

4 Processing

Maps are represented by MARC cataloging metadata and by digital masterfiles (TIFF images). TIFF images are made available to the Visual Resources Center for processing by Luna. MARC records are converted into MARC XML, and then into the particular form of XML which Luna requires. Instructions for conversion are in /projects/maps/luna/README.

Author: Charles Blair (


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