Campus Publications Specifications for Accessioning through 2014

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

The files documented below under the section entitled Files and Naming Conventions were produced before the introduction of LIMB software in the Preservation Department. At the time this document was last edited, the last deposits into the Library Digital Repository of files made before LIMB was introduced were made on 2014-01-21. No files using the old software were produced after 2014-08-31.

2 Collection Record

Create a collection record in the Library Digital Repository (LDR) for the Campus Publications digital collection. Do this only once. (SCRC)

Done. Campus Publications Digital Collection

3 Accession Record

SCRC will create an accession record for each deposit of one or more issues. Preservation (Kathy Arthur) will communicate to SCRC (Laura Alagna) the need to do this (by email).

4 Numbering

Assign a four-digit mvol number for each title, e.g., 0001. These must be unique.

Campus Publications uses the following numbering scheme:

  • mvol-number-volume-issue
  • mvol-number-year-MMDD

"mvol" is always "mvol". "number" is a four-digit number for the title left-padded with 0s, e.g., 0001. "volume" and "year" are both four-digit numbers, left-padded with 0s as necessary in the case of a volume. "issue" and "MMDD" are four-digit numbers. Where a volume is an issue, or where a year includes all twelve months, "issue" and "month" are 0000. Examples of these patterns appear below.

5 Directory (folder) and file structure

Arrange issues on disk on the samba storage server according to the following hierarchy:

/storage/mvol/ -- all mvol titles
/storage/mvol/0001 -- individual mvol title
/storage/mvol/0001/0015 -- individual volume of that title
/storage/mvol/0001/0015/0008 -- individual issue of that volume

Note: if a volume has no issues, use the same hierarchy as above, but use 0000 for the issue, e.g.,


5.1 mvol-number-volume-issue

Arrange issues on disk according to the following hierarchy.


Associated files follow this pattern:


NOTE: There are some anomalous patterns in Campus Publications.

Some early issues include a letter as part of the issue number, e.g., mvol/0007/0001/034A, mvol/0007/0008/011C, etc. In these cases, use an upper case letter, as indicated.

In at least one case, an issue has been split into two parts upon publication. In these cases, precede the issue number with an upper case "A" for part 1, "B" for part 2, etc., keeping the issue component of the pattern four characters long. For example:

mvol/0002/0033/B009 correponds to part 2 of issue 9. (Issue 8 will be mvol/0002/0033/0008.)

5.2 mvol-number-year-MMDD

Arrange issues on disk according to the following hierarchy:


Associated files follow this pattern:


This example represents the Daily Maroon for January 4th-7th, 1910.

6 Files and Naming Conventions

Include the following files for each issue as part of the deposit in the directory (folder) for an individual issue, e.g., /storage/mvol/0001/0015/0008.

  • one digital masterfile for each scanned object, from front cover to back cover of issue, numbered sequentially from 00000001.tif to (for example) 00000522.tif; there are a total of eight digits in each filename. Pad left with 0s so that the portion before the .tif extension is always 8 digits long. Use this pattern for the .jpg, .pos, and .xml files described immediately following as well.
  • one access copy for each masterfile, numbered from 00000001.jpg to, for example, 00000522.jpg. This access copy should allow reasonable magnification in a page-turner.
  • one pos file for each scanned object, numbered from 00000001.pos to, for example, 00000522.pos.
  • one xml file for each scanned object, numbered from 00000001.xml to, for example, 00000522.xml.
  • one searchable PDF per issue, e.g.,


  • a structural metadata file for each issue, e.g.,


    with one line per scanned object, each line with three tab-separated columns for object page and milestone. For example:

object    page    milestone
00000001          front cover
00000016  10
00000017  11
00000018  12
00000522          back cover

A file of Dublin Core metadata, e.g., mvol-0002-0014-0009.dc.xml:

  <title>University of Chicago Magazine</title>
  <description>The alumni magazine of the University of Chicago.</description>

Once one or more sets of files, each set representing an issue, has been assembled according to the specifications above, contact the repository managers, who will transfer the deposit to the LDR.

7 Relevant directories and urls

Author: Charles Blair (chas)


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